Anti-war activists from across the U.S. and Vancouver, British Columbia, joined the United National Antiwar Coalition for an educational conference…
Citizens of the Southern African state of Zimbabwe are scheduled to vote on March 16 on whether to accept or…
La economía china se está desacelerando, parte de la desaceleración económica global que ahora azota al mundo capitalista. China también…
Feb. 25 — Dramatic front-page headlines in the New York Times accusing the People’s Liberation Army of China of being…
Washington, D.C. — Some 1,500 federal employees protested near the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., demanding that Congress stop the federal…
Raleigh, N.C. — Nearly two years since tens of thousands of students and workers occupied the Wisconsin state Capitol and a…
The working and oppressed classes of India showed their strength and determination on Feb. 20-21 with a general strike that…
The following abridged press statement of the All-India Committee of the All-India United Trade Union Center was issued by Comrade…
Excerpts from a talk by Sara Flounders, a Workers World Party secretariat member, at the Nov. 17-18, 2012, WWP national…
Greece: Resistance grows to increasing misery All the major Greek labor organizations — the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE)…