New WW youth blog takes inspiration from Black Panther Party

January 22, 2013

The youth of Workers World Party have gone live with a new collaborative blog entitled "Can't Jail the Revolution." The…

Opposition grows to Iraqi regime

January 22, 2013

As part of the decade-long NATO war and occupation in Iraq, led by the U.S., the imperialists conducted a campaign to…

‘Idle No More’ protests in Detroit

January 22, 2013

The women in this photo were among more than 150 Idle No More activists and supporters who demonstrated in Detroit…

On 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade

January 22, 2013

The 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision is Jan. 22. How have women fared since then…

French war on Mali spreads to Algeria

January 21, 2013

The war that French imperialism has escalated in its former West African colony of Mali has now spread to neighboring…

Imperialist hands off Mali!

January 21, 2013

A full analysis of France’s imperialist invasion of Mali requires a look at the relations among the different peoples of…

Opposition grows worldwide to French invasion of Mali

January 21, 2013

In response to the French imperialist intervention in January, the Coalition of Patriotic Organizations of Mali (COPAM) called demonstrations against…

Role of state terror in death of anti-SOPA activist Aaron Swartz

January 21, 2013

The largest online protest in history, known as the anti-SOPA Internet strike, took place on Jan. 18 a year ago…

Unions, parents support NYC school bus drivers

January 21, 2013

New York — More than 8,000 school bus drivers and matrons who transport 152,000 pupils in this city every day, many…

MLK’s legacy & the labor movement

January 20, 2013

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been 84 years old this Jan. 15. His legacy today is…