Syrian army, militias battle reactionary ‘rebels’

January 25, 2013

Some recent reports in the Western corporate media put the number killed in nearly two years of fighting in Syria…

The future of Africa & the struggle for socialism

January 25, 2013

Excerpts from a talk by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of Pan-African News Wire and WW contributing editor, at the Nov. 17-18,…

Vietnam’s liberation and the ASU

January 25, 2013

Twelve days before the 45th anniversary of the Jan. 30, 1968, Tet Offensive, Workers World Party held its final forum…

How the climate crisis affects labor unions

January 24, 2013

New York — It was billed as a breakfast seminar, but nearly 300 people from the labor movement showed up…

Supporters demand justice for Central Park Five

January 24, 2013

New York — Supporters of the Central Park Five rallied at the federal courthouse in lower Manhattan on Jan. 17…

Baltimore civil rights activists acquitted

January 24, 2013

Following is a statement released Jan. 22 by Baltimore Peoples Power Assembly representatives Rev. Cortly “CD” Witherspoon, president of the…

Chicago protesters say ‘No’ to Greek fascists

January 24, 2013

Chicago  — About 100 concerned anti-fascists showed up Jan. 19, a very cold winter day, to demonstrate at the Greek consulate…

Tinley Park Five accept non-cooperating plea bargain

January 24, 2013

Excerpts from a Jan. 4 article posted by the Tinley Park Five and support crew at  The Tinley Park…

WWP organizers to attend women’s conference in India

January 24, 2013

At the end of January, the 3rd All India Women’s Conference will take place in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Organized by…

Providence, R.I., Cambodian community fights police brutality

January 24, 2013

Providence, R.I. — Led by youth organizers from the Cambodian community in Providence, R.I., more than 200 protesters rallied and…