Egyptian President Morsi imposes state of emergency

January 30, 2013

Mass demonstrations mark second anniversary of uprising, dozens killed Jan. 28 — Hundreds of thousands of Egyptian youth and workers…

Billboard for Palestine

January 30, 2013

“Stop $30 billion to Israel!” Palestinians and their supporters put up a billboard with this powerful message on a busy…

Venezuela, más estable que lo que afirman enemigos de Chávez

January 30, 2013

Mientras millones de personas por todo el mundo celebran vigilias y acciones de apoyo a la Revolución Bolivariana de Venezuela…

Unions, parents support NYC school bus workers

January 29, 2013

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1181 has been on strike since Jan. 16 against a plan by billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg and…

Campaign launched to release Lynne Stewart

January 29, 2013

The struggle to free human rights champion Lynne Stewart has become extremely urgent, as the 73-year-old attorney has been diagnosed…

A million Venezuelans affirm support for revolution

January 29, 2013

“The people’s love for Chávez continues.” This is not a quote from a worker in Caracas. Nor from a revolutionary…

Solidarity with Venezuela

January 29, 2013

Ten days of actions and meetings in the United States and other countries began on Feb. 22 in solidarity with…

Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese Struggle for Liberation

January 29, 2013

On the 45th Anniversary of the Tet Offensive The following texts are based on an introduction on the Tet Offensive,…

Capitalism & the corporate ‘tax holiday’ — A WW youth perspective

January 28, 2013

Time magazine featured an article by Rana Foroohar on Jan. 14 entitled, “The Trillion-Dollar Homecoming,” which discussed transnational companies’ proposal for another…

Community protests as Baltimore killer cops go free

January 28, 2013

Outraged members of Baltimore's African-American community and their supporters protested on Jan. 26 against the announcement by state's attorney for…