Hospitales deportan a pacientes indocumentados

May 7, 2013

En 2010, Quelino Ojeda Jiménez trabajaba en lo alto de un edificio en el aeropuerto de Midway de Chicago cuando…

Las protestas del Primero de Mayo reflejan la profundidad de la crisis europea

May 7, 2013

¿Evolucionarán las tradicionales manifestaciones de los trabajadores del Primero de Mayo en Europa en una gigantesca protesta anti austeridad este…

Israeli bombing of Syria threatens wider war

May 5, 2013

On May 3, and again on May 5, the Israeli air force bombed Syria’s capital of Damascus. According to Syria’s…

Lucasville prison uprising revisited

May 5, 2013

Activists, former prisoners and attorneys at the “Re-Examining the Lucasville Uprising Conference” at Columbus [Ohio] State Community College on the…

May Day in N. Carolina: 5 students arrested fighting for worker rights

May 4, 2013

Raleigh, N.C. — On May Day, the NC Student Power Union mobilized more than 350 students from 10 colleges from all…

Bangladesh May Day: Make jobs safe; punish the criminals

May 4, 2013

Tens of thousands of workers marched through central Dhaka, Bangladesh’s capital, on May Day to demand the death penalty for…

LGBTQ+ activists denounce SF Pride Board decision against B. Manning

May 2, 2013

Carrying signs that read “I am Bradley Manning,” some 200 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and allied activists protested at…

Upstate New York protests drone warfare

May 2, 2013

Resistance to U.S. drone warfare intensified in upstate New York on April 28 as more than 250 people rallied at…

Detroit residents displaced by corporate interests

May 2, 2013

Detroit corporations and banks are driving more working-class, poor and nationally oppressed people out of the city’s downtown area. Government…

Emergency manager selected to kill jobs

May 2, 2013

Since March 25, the city of Detroit has been run by an unelected, 1%-beholden supreme dictator. On that day the…