‘Nakba’ significa desastre, pero no entrega

May 21, 2013

El 15 de mayo marca el 65º aniversario del inicio de lo que los/as palestinos/as y sus partidarios/as llaman el…

Afroamericanos/as más vulnerables a los propuestos recortes federales

May 21, 2013

La administración Obama propone recortes masivos en programas federales esenciales. El cambio del cálculo ("chained") del Índice de Precios al…

Free Lynne Stewart now!

May 20, 2013

The lifesaving struggle to free Lynne Stewart, “the people’s lawyer,” continues.  Following a full-house rally on May 9 at St.…

National Network on Cuba condemns U.S. ‘terrorist’ bounty on Assata Shakur

May 20, 2013

The following statement was issued by the National Network on Cuba. On May 3, the U.S. government falsely branded Assata…

Boston Bolivarians celebrate Maduro election

May 19, 2013

On May 5, a meeting called by the Boston Bolivarians celebrated the legitimate victory of the first working-class and Chavista…

Oakland, Calif., vigil for police victim

May 19, 2013

Oakland, Calif. — More than 150 people came out to honor the memory of young Alan Blueford on May 5,…

South Africa: Platinum monopoly threatens mining jobs

May 19, 2013

A major struggle is unfolding in the Republic of South Africa with the recent announcement that the Anglo American Platinum…

Thousands in Haiti provide escort for Aristide

May 19, 2013

Haiti’s judicial police headquarters had banned demonstrations in support of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. So, on May 8, tens of…

Drone base picketed

May 19, 2013

Niagara Falls, N.Y. — Activists rallied at the gate of Niagara Falls Air Base on Mothers’ Day, May 12, to…

On the picket line

May 19, 2013

Hundreds of fast food workers strike in Detroit Hundreds of workers went on strike May 10 at more than 60…