Two steps closer to a U.S. war on Syria

March 22, 2013

Syria’s counterrevolutionary opposition has taken a step that moves it even closer to U.S. imperialism. At the same time, the…

‘Vampire’ holiday: The passing of Chávez

March 22, 2013

Transcribed from a March 8, 2013, audio column at  The writer is a political prisoner housed at SCI Mahanoy…

ILWU fights global grain giants

March 22, 2013

Hundreds of International Longshore and Warehouse Union members and supporters rallied March 8 in Vancouver, Wash., then marched to the…

Cuban women on progress of building socialism

March 21, 2013

East Harlem, New York  — The July 26th Coalition, a solidarity group that supports the Cuban revolution, hosted a March 13…

Michigan lesbians fight for marriage, adoption rights

March 21, 2013

“Love makes a family.” This is a simple and obvious statement. Yet in Michigan, where 56 percent of those polled…

Why U.S. capitalism perpetuates gender inequality

March 21, 2013

The concept of equal rights for women has been around for more than 200 years, ever since Mary Wollstonecraft published…

Protests demand end to Detroit home tax foreclosures

March 21, 2013

Two demonstrations in Detroit have demanded an end to the massive number of home tax foreclosures going on in the…

Europe: Protests hit austerity

March 20, 2013

When European Union leaders gathered at their economic summit meeting in Brussels, they were confronted by thousands of protesters who denounced…

Imperialism increases its hand in Syrian war

March 20, 2013

The hand of Western imperialism in the war against Syria becomes clearer every day. French President François Hollande called for…

Stop threatening Korea!

March 20, 2013

The shadow of war has hung over the Korean peninsula for six decades — almost a lifetime. That is how…