Eyewitness reports on 12 days of Turkey’s rebellion

June 15, 2013

Izmir,Turkey — Something so important has been happening in Turkey since May 29 that even we here are bewildered and amazed…

Anti-war, queer liberation forces link hands at Pride

June 13, 2013

To the cheers of thousands, queer liberation, anti-war, and Pfc. B. Manning contingents marched in united fashion with the International…

Motor City Pride: ‘Marching toward equality’

June 13, 2013

This year’s Pride march in downtown Detroit on June 9 raised a timely slogan: “Marching toward equality.” Most lesbian, gay,…

Trans Day of Action: ‘We will not be silenced!’

June 13, 2013

The following call was issued by Trans­Justice, a political group for trans and gender nonconforming people of color. TransJustice, a…

A brief history of ‘marriage,’ part 4

June 13, 2013

Marx & Engels on Morgan As noted previously, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels found Morgan’s analysis of pre-class and early…

Marxism and the social character of China

June 13, 2013

The issue of China is one of the most important questions of the 21st century for the working class and…

Guantánamo: Fear and hunger

June 13, 2013

Taken from a May 27 audio column at prisonradio.org.  The writer is a political prisoner at SCI Mahanoy in Frackville,…

Big brother?

June 13, 2013

From a June 6 audio column at prisonradio.org.  The writer is a political prisoner at SCI Mahanoy in Frackville, Pa.…

Social explosion rocks Turkey

June 12, 2013

Excerpted from a talk at Workers World Party forum in New York City. June 10 — Once again a social…

Philadelphia: Drive for profits behind building collapse

June 12, 2013

Philadelphia — Six people are dead and 14 injured after a building undergoing demolition fell onto a Salvation Army thrift store…