With one-day strike for $15 an hour, fast-food workers shut it down!

September 5, 2013

Fast-food workers turned off the grills, closed the cash registers and walked off their jobs on Aug. 29 to demand…

On the picket line

September 5, 2013

Walmart warehouse workers win raises, benefits After an unrelenting two-year struggle, the 75 workers at the Walmart warehouse in Mira…

South Africa mine bosses to cut thousands of jobs

September 5, 2013

South African workers are continuing their struggles against the bosses. Strikes are spreading from the mines, automobile plants and air…

Peoples Power Assemblies go national, build unity against racism, poverty and war

September 4, 2013

Events were held around the country on Aug. 28, the date of the racist murder of Emmett Till in 1955…

The struggle continues for women’s equality

September 4, 2013

The date of Aug. 26 was named Women’s Equality Day in 1971 because that’s the day in 1920 when women,…

Pentagon deepens role in Africa

September 4, 2013

As the corporate media focuses on the current war drive against Syria, Washington’s militarist policies toward Africa continue to go…

Support for California prison hunger strike

September 4, 2013

At a short rally before the march to Oakland’s city jail, Janetta Johnson, representing the Trans GenderVariant Intersex Justice Project,…

No attack on Syria!

September 3, 2013

Sept. 2 — Anti-war, anti-imperialist and Syrian-American organizations inside the U.S. all see the coming week as the last chance…

Coast-to-coast protests hit U.S. plans to attack Syria

September 3, 2013

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="10630,10631,10632,10633,10634,10635"] On Aug. 28, with Washington, London and Paris apparently on the verge of opening up another very…

Worldwide protests reject U.S. attacks on Syria

September 3, 2013

Thousands of protests throughout the world since Aug. 21 –- from street demonstrations to public statements and resolutions –- have…