Send-off of caravan to Cuba

July 17, 2013

Gail Walker (standing, right) of IFCO/Pastors for Peace hosted a fundraiser for the group’s 24th Caravan to Cuba, held in…

Snowden needs safe haven

July 17, 2013

Since Washington has already ordered the employment of air piracy in its attempts to capture whistleblower Edward Snowden, no country…

Golpe de estado en Egipto: lo que significa para la revolución

July 17, 2013

Julio 8 — Este Comentario de Workers World /Mundo Obrero fue escrito el 5 de julio, antes del fallido intento de…

Protest supports California prisoners’ demands

July 16, 2013

Corcoran Prison, Calif. -- It was a day so hot you could easily fry an egg on the sidewalk, a…

Release Angola 3 political prisoner Herman Wallace

July 16, 2013

Taken from a July 10 statement from the Angola 3 news blog.  Go to to read the original statement.  …

‘No war in Middle East!’

July 16, 2013

[gallery type="square" ids="9970,9969,9968"] Many groups united to call for July protests against the U.S. supplying weapons and training to the…

‘Flight from Babylon’

July 16, 2013

This column was written on June 23 by political prisoner Abu-Jamal in SCI-Mahanoy, Frackville, Pa.   Not since the late…

The Egyptian revolution and the military coup

July 16, 2013

This article is adapted from a talk given by Joyce Chediac at Workers World Party meetings in New York and…

Lynching of Trayvon Martin goes unpunished

July 15, 2013

Workers World statement: One more travesty of justice Workers World Party joins with millions of people inside the U.S. and…

Protesters take to the streets throughout U.S. over Zimmerman verdict

July 15, 2013

July 14 — When news of the “not guilty” jury verdict for George Zimmerman in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon…