WW salutes LGBTQ heroes B. Manning & CeCe McDonald

June 26, 2013

Pride annually honors and commemorates the 1969 Stonewall rebellion, when lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, primarily people of color,…

Surprise upsurge shakes Brazil

June 25, 2013

June 24 — When the Free Fare Movement (MPL) in Sao Paolo, Brazil, initiated a call on social media for…

Qué pasa en Brasil?

June 25, 2013

24 de junio — Cuando el Movimiento Pase Libre (MPL) de Sao Paolo en Brasil inició la convocatoria por los…

Workers World Party launches new website

June 25, 2013

Workers World Party is pleased to unveil its new website, workers.org/wwp. This site features a variety of interesting and engaging…

500 legal lynchings mark ‘modern era’ of death penalty in Texas

June 25, 2013

Texas is poised to carry out its 500th execution on June 26 at 6 p.m. at the Walls Prison Unit in…

The political, historical significance of Chokwe Lumumba mayoral win in Jackson, Miss.

June 25, 2013

The following article is based on a talk given at a June 14 Workers World Party forum in New York.…

Low-wage workers on the move

June 25, 2013

A Marxist approach to the problems of the working-class movement The following is based on a talk to a Workers…

Behind the stock market plunge

June 24, 2013

The stock market fell 4 percent on June 19 and 20 as the bankers and brokers rejected the optimistic economic…

War threat to Syria and Iran the focus of NYC forum

June 24, 2013

An extraordinary anti-war forum entitled “Syria & Iran: The Next War?” was held here June 10 at the Solidarity Center.…

Forum on ‘What’s at stake in Syria?’

June 24, 2013

During a week when the New York Times revealed on June 21 that weapons are being shipped from puppet-ruled Libya…