The lynching of Miriam Carey

October 8, 2013

Oct. 7 — Valarie Carey and Amy Carey-Jones are publicly asking why deadly force was used against their sister, Miriam…

Workers Assemblies, Oct. 24 and the fight to raise workers’ wages

October 6, 2013

The following is taken from a talk by Sharon Black given at the Sept. 27 Workers World Party public forum…

South African miners continue job actions

October 6, 2013

Labor militancy is continuing in the Republic of South Africa, which has the largest industrial working class on the continent.…

Nez Perce resist GE and Big Oil

October 6, 2013

In early August, hearing news that General Electric was planning to move a megaload of oil refinery equipment — 255…

Haitians seek reparations from U.N.

October 6, 2013

Around 100 people, mainly Haitian, gathered in New York’s Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, opposite the U.N. headquarters, for an eight-hour demonstration…

‘After Tiller’: A powerful defense of women’s right to choose

October 6, 2013

The documentary movie “After ­Tiller” chronicles the profoundly important story of four doctors in the U.S. who risk their lives…

The senseless killing of Miriam Carey

October 4, 2013

Beginning at 2 p.m. on Oct. 3, there was nonstop coverage on all the ruling-class media about a car chase…

Vietnam’s revolutionary hero Vo Nguyen Giap dies at 102

October 4, 2013

By Paddy Colligan and G. Dunkel Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, a hero and leader of the Vietnamese people’s struggles against Japanese, French…

North Carolina Fightback Conference unites workers

October 4, 2013

Raleigh, N.C. — Workers from across North Carolina joined together on Sept. 21 for a statewide Workers Fightback Conference hosted by…

Black school revives civil rights lawsuit

October 4, 2013

Philadelphia -- A broad coalition of students, alumni, faculty, staff, politicians, religious leaders and community supporters of Cheyney University gathered…