Community battles Detroit bankruptcy, demands pensions

July 31, 2013

“This Is War!” was the battle cry headline on a leaflet issued by the Moratorium Now! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures,…

Mass demonstrations, strikes follow political assassination in Tunisia

July 31, 2013

Tunisian workers and youth shut down the North African country on July 26, when the largest trade union federation and…

Syria: U.S. war policy at a crossroads

July 31, 2013

Despite CIA coordination of training operations in Jordan and safe havens in Turkey and despite countless reports in the corporate…

Walking While Black – A Song for Trayvon Martin

July 31, 2013

People of conscience, please let me impart. An American story that’s breaking my heart. Young Trayvon went out for Skittles…

‘Dreamers’ sleep in Florida Capitol to fight for justice for Trayvon Martin

July 30, 2013

By Imani Henry and Scott Williams Tallahassee, Fla., July 28 — They came from all over: Florida, California, New Orleans,…

Fast-food workers demand ‘living wage’

July 30, 2013

July 29 — “We can’t survive on $7.25!” and “What’s outrageous? Poverty wages!” chanted hundreds of striking fast-food workers and their supporters outside…

Polls say Snowden is ‘whistle-blower,’ not ‘traitor’

July 30, 2013

Despite a relentless bombardment of messages from politicians and the media alike that the National Security Agency Administration’s monitoring of…

NYC communities fight for transit and housing rights

July 30, 2013

Elders demand transit justice On July 24, a busload of mostly African-American elders from Co-op City in the Bronx attended…

Detrás del llamado de Xi Jinping para un retorno al marxismo

July 30, 2013

El presidente de la República Popular de China, Xi Jinping, ha emitido declaraciones que buscan frenar la erosión de los…

From Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin: Standing up for justice

July 29, 2013

[gallery type="square" ids="10214,10215,10217"] Ho Chi Minh, anti-colonial leader of the Vietnamese people, states in the opening paragraph of his 1924…