Detroit emergency manager dictates ‘lights out’

September 18, 2013

When the lights went out at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center (CAY­MAC) in downtown Detroit on Sept. 11, it…

Income gap grows still wider

September 18, 2013

For ever so long, workers have been told that this capitalist system we live under works to our benefit. Sure,…

Michigan anti-fracking movement worries gas industry

September 18, 2013

Capitalist propaganda has a peculiar way of turning reality on its head. A case in point is the well-funded effort…

Protests save Brooklyn hospital

September 18, 2013

Brooklyn Judge Johnny Lee Baynes ruled Sept. 12 that New York state’s justification for the closing of Long Island College…

Syrian Americans say ‘No!’ to U.S. war on their country

September 18, 2013

A significant turnout of nearly 1,000 anti-war demonstrators, most from the Syrian-American community, marched in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 9,…

Syrian agreement postpones U.S. aggressive war

September 18, 2013

Sept. 16 — While U.S. warships continued to sail in the Eastern Mediterranean to keep the Syrian people under threat,…

Trabajadores despedidos de GM en Colombia decididos a vencer

September 18, 2013

Durante dos años y dos meses, un decidido grupo de trabajadores automotrices despedidos han vivido en tiendas de campaña frente…

Editorial: Una grieta que deja entrar la claridad

September 18, 2013

En esta época de armas terriblemente destructivas y de la capacidad de agencias gubernamentales estadounidenses de espiar sobre todas las…

Chemical weapons arsenals and the hidden truths about the ‘Convention’

September 13, 2013

The hammering by politicians and the corporate media about chemical weapons use in Syria, which, according to secret CIA "evidence"…

Fired GM workers in Colombia determined to win

September 12, 2013

For two years and two months a determined group of fired autoworkers have lived in tents outside the U.S. Embassy…