Gov’t shutdown a workers’ lockout

October 9, 2013

The following is excerpted from a talk given by Steve Millies at a Oct. 4 Workers World Party meeting in…

Health care for all? Catch-22 denies 8 million!

October 9, 2013

If you live in Texas and are one of the 1.5 million people who have low incomes and hoped to…

Freedom fighter Herman Wallace, presente!

October 9, 2013

The decades-long struggle by various forces in the Black Liberation Movement, the human rights and prisoner support movements resulted in…

Mineros sudafricanos continúan acciones sindicales

October 9, 2013

La militancia laboral continúa en la República de Sudáfrica, la cual tiene la clase obrera industrial más grande del continente.…

Cierre del gobierno ¿Quién sufre?

October 9, 2013

Incapaces o reacios a llegar a un acuerdo para ampliar el gasto del gobierno, el Congreso estadounidense ha provocado un…

Stop attacks on labor’s democratic and human rights: Drop the charges against Saladin Muhammad, Moral Monday labor rights arrestee!

October 8, 2013

The following statement was issued by the Southern Workers Assembly on Oct. 8. The opening trial for the 940 North…

Letter to the editor: Gen. Giap and Vietnam War history

October 8, 2013

On the occasion of the death of the world historic military genius, Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, architect of the victorious…

The lynching of Miriam Carey

October 8, 2013

Oct. 7 — Valarie Carey and Amy Carey-Jones are publicly asking why deadly force was used against their sister, Miriam…

Workers Assemblies, Oct. 24 and the fight to raise workers’ wages

October 6, 2013

The following is taken from a talk by Sharon Black given at the Sept. 27 Workers World Party public forum…

South African miners continue job actions

October 6, 2013

Labor militancy is continuing in the Republic of South Africa, which has the largest industrial working class on the continent.…