Food poisoning & gov’t shutdown

October 14, 2013

After eating chicken dinners, at least 317 people have been hit by nausea, headaches and fevers in a 20-state salmonella…

Atlanta march demands: ‘End deportations!’

October 13, 2013

Thousands of immigrants and their allies rallied in front of the Georgia state Capitol on Oct. 5 to take part…

A brief history of ‘marriage,’ part 20

October 13, 2013

Did communal society survive Europe’s Agricultural Revolution? Was there a golden age of woman-centered peace and plenty during the Neolithic…

NICE says ‘Pay us our wages!’

October 13, 2013

Immigrant workers at Well-S Inc. construction company, who are owed $94,000 in back wages and damages, have been fighting their…

The crime at Lampedusa Island

October 11, 2013

A boat crowded with 500 refugees that had left from a port in Libya foundered off Italy’s Lampedusa island, located…

U.S. and Japan sign military pact

October 11, 2013

The wars the Pentagon has been waging to grab control of North Africa and Southwest Asia haven’t gone well for…

Korean-American delegation visits the north

October 11, 2013

New York-based community organizer Meejin Richart traveled in August to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the socialist northern half…

‘Shooting crazy’

October 11, 2013

Taken from an Oct. 4 audio column on A young mother, her infant quietly snoozing in the back seat,…

Workers World Party pays respect to Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap of Vietnam

October 11, 2013

The following letter was written for the opening of a Book of Condolence in honor of Senior Gen. Vo Nguyen…

Communist Gen. Giap’s enemies

October 11, 2013

Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap had many friends and admirers among the people of the world, for whom he is a…