French high school students protest racist deportation

October 22, 2013

Léonarda Dibrani was on a class trip Oct.9 in Doubs, a small community near the French-Swiss border, when French cops…

Struggle against Crown Holdings crosses borders

October 22, 2013

Philadelphia — A busload of 50 strikers from United Steelworkers Local 9176 in Toronto joined 50 other USW members and…

Demanda contra la ONU por cólera en Haití

October 22, 2013

A pesar de que su responsabilidad en la introducción y propagación del cólera en Haití ha sido establecida de manera…

Noticias de América Latina

October 22, 2013

Brasil El gobierno de Dilma Rouseff vuelve a ser enfrentado en menos de un año por movilizaciones populares. El 17…

Raíces políticas del cierre gubernamental y el techo de la deuda

October 22, 2013

Artículos en la prensa capitalista dicen que el gran capital está perdiendo su influencia en el Partido Republicano. Pero esta…

A FIST appeal to youth: Attend Workers World Party conference

October 21, 2013

The looming global financial crisis has already hurt young people, leaving nearly 75 million young people unemployed around the world.…

Anti-racists shut down white supremacists in Philadelphia

October 21, 2013

Around 200 anti-racist activists, primarily young people, stopped the skinheads in their tracks, physically confronting their gathering in a triumphant…

First Nation protesters tell Southwestern Energy to “Frack off!”

October 21, 2013

Acting on behalf of a U.S. energy company, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police staged a surprise, early morning attack on…

Marches in Portugal, Italy protest austerity

October 21, 2013

The main Portuguese union federation, the CGTP-IN, reported Oct. 19 that “Many tens of thousands of workers marched today in…

Two workers die as BART management operates trains during strike in California

October 20, 2013

Oct. 19 — With the strike by the Bay Area Rapid Transit workers in only the second day, two BART…