WWP Conference grapples with strategies to overturn dead-end capitalism

November 20, 2013

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="11610"] Workers. Youth. Detroit. Boston. These are now in the forefront of the consciousness of many of the…

Young people say: ‘Fight back! Build people’s power’

November 20, 2013

By Andy Katz and Ben Carroll New York Young people from across the U.S. mobilized to attend the Workers World…

Resolution in solidarity with Local 8751

November 20, 2013

The following resolution was passed unanimously on Nov. 17 at the national conference of Workers World Party. It grew out…

Acercándose a las aspiraciones de paz del pueblo colombiano

November 20, 2013

El pasado miércoles 6 de noviembre se publicó la declaración conjunta del gobierno colombiano y la insurgencia de las FARC-EP…

Con la nueva época de crisis global ¿Sobre qué deberían estar pensando los/as revolucionarios?

November 20, 2013

Basado en una charla dada por Larry Holmes, Primer Secretario del Partido Workers World-Mundo Obrero, en una reunión del liderazgo…

Boeing in shock as Machinists turn down contract 2 to1

November 18, 2013

Seattle -- A two-to-one “no” vote by the 31,000 members of Machinists District 751 (IAM) rejected Boeing's attempt to ram…

Judge says no to secret fees in Detroit bankruptcy

November 18, 2013

In the struggle to stop the racist bankruptcy and emergency management imposed by the big banks on the city of…

Detroit bankruptcy means people versus banks

November 17, 2013

Federal Bankruptcy Judge Stephen Rhodes heard closing arguments Nov. 8 in the eligibility trial for what could be the largest…

North Carolina protest: Solidarity with teachers’ walk-in

November 17, 2013

The following is an edited version of a statement issued Nov. 6 by the Southern Workers Assembly in salute of…

Stop minimum wage exclusion of people with disabilities

November 17, 2013

A New York City rally on Oct. 24 commemorated the 75th anniversary of the minimum wage law’s passage and called…