Shale oil train derails in Philly

February 1, 2014

Philadelphia — On Jan. 20, seven cars of a mile-long freight train operated by CSX Corporation and carrying Bakken Shale…

Environmental racism grows in North Carolina

February 1, 2014

Although African-American communities in North Carolina are already more than twice as likely as others to be burdened with landfills…

Teachers’ unions resist all-out assault

February 1, 2014

Some $682 billion in public funds was spent in the United States in 2012-13 on pre-K through Grade 12 education.…

A brief history of ‘marriage,’ part 29

February 1, 2014

The human capacity for love Although the main focus of this series has been on the institution of marriage, there’s…

NYC transgender community demands ‘Justice for Islan Nettles!’

February 1, 2014

New York — Despite bitterly cold temperatures, more than 100 people — chanting “Not one more!” — protested Jan. 30…

Philadelphia police assault of Black youth sparks outrage

February 1, 2014

Philadelphia -- Before her students left Mathematics, Civics and Sciences Charter School to play in a basketball game, Victoria Joyner…

Solidarity Day 2 versus unionbuster

January 31, 2014

The attempt by Veolia, an international conglomerate, to bust the Boston School Bus Drivers Union has created a widespread fightback…

SuperShuttle workers protest Veolia’s low wages

January 31, 2014

Baltimore — One after another, the mostly West African immigrant SuperShuttle workers poured out their grievances in front of the…

90 years after death, Lenin’s contributions appreciated

January 31, 2014

Lenin is the recognized leader of the political party that directed the working-class’s seizure of state power in Russia in…

Moral Mondays: the emergence and dynamics of a growing mass human rights movement

January 30, 2014

Introduction The Moral Mondays campaign in North Carolina that is mobilizing thousands to speak out against the legislative attacks on…