Tributo a Miguel Cruz Santos

February 25, 2014

15 agosto 1958 — 6 febrero 2014 Miguel Cruz Santos, luchador incansable por la clase obrera y defensor del socialismo…

Detroit declares war on pensioners

February 25, 2014

Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s “Plan of Adjustment” is a declaration of war on the city of Detroit’s 20,000 retirees and…

First Trayvon, now Jordan: No justice, no peace!

February 25, 2014

Yet another travesty of justice has just occurred in a Florida courtroom.  On Feb. 15, a surprising verdict was announced…

Russell Maroon Shoats

February 24, 2014

Any victory, big or small, for the working class and oppressed population, is a step in the right direction. Even…

A U.S. Truth And Reconciliation Commission on Racism

February 24, 2014

In the United States, a country ruled by the ideology and practice of white supremacy since its inception, a Truth…

Occupation of Afghanistan is not ‘democracy’

February 24, 2014

When the anti-war movement makes the argument that U.S. and NATO troops must get out of Afghanistan, liberal apologists for…

On the picket line

February 24, 2014

Fightback of locked-out Kellogg workers The 226 workers at Kellogg’s cereal plant in Memphis, Tenn., made Fruit Loops and Frosted…

Revolutionary Miguel Cruz Santos: 1958-2014

February 24, 2014

Miguel Cruz Santos, a tireless fighter for the working class and a defender of socialism, died on Feb. 6 in…

U.S., EU, out of Ukraine!

February 21, 2014

The following is a Workers World Party statement on the crisis in Ukraine. U.S. and European Union imperialism have initiated…

One month a slave: the case of Lewis Little

February 21, 2014

Durham, N.C. — It was late evening on July 15, 2013, when 19-year-old North Carolina Central University sophomore Lewis James…