San Francisco solidarity with Korean workers’ strike

February 27, 2014

The Korean Consulate in San Francisco was the site of a militant demonstration in support of the Korean general strike…

UAW & VW: Class struggle versus class collaboration

February 27, 2014

Following the vote against union representation at Volkswagen’s plant in Tennessee, the United Auto Workers filed an appeal with the…

Philadelphia’s workers and oppressed denied education, jobs

February 27, 2014

Why does Philadelphia, a major center of university education in the U.S., have so much poverty? This city has the…

Pipeline activists to be sentenced

February 27, 2014

Three environmental activists will be sentenced by a Michigan judge March 5 after their Jan. 31 felony convictions for protesting…

Solidarity with Bolivarian revolution

February 27, 2014

A rally in solidarity with Venezuela was held in San Francisco’s Mission District on Feb. 17 demanding U.S. hands off…

Stop the bombing of Fallujah

February 27, 2014

United States weapons are still killing Iraqis as the government that the U.S. 10-year-long occupation installed bombs the rebellious cities…

The great railroad strike of 1922

February 27, 2014

Ninety-one years ago railroad workers employed in shops and roundhouses revolted against a 12 percent wage cut. Nearly 400,000 workers…

From Ukraine to Venezuela: U.S. wages dirty wars

February 26, 2014

Destroying the Ukraine government through an armed insurrection is part of a broader strategy by U.S. imperialism to colonize the…

North Carolina students fight cuts with walkout

February 25, 2014

“If they won’t let us dream, we won’t let them sleep.”— Anders Lustgarten, playwright  Frederick Douglass once said: “Power concedes…

EE.UU. respalda el terror contra Venezuela

February 25, 2014

19 de febrero de 2014 -- La actual violencia por parte de las fuerzas derechistas opositoras a la Revolución Bolivariana,…