Unions hit education cutbacks

March 30, 2014

The United Federation of Teachers, which represents kindergarten through 12th grade teachers and staff, and the Professional Staff Congress, which…

Ruling says university football players are workers, can form union

March 30, 2014

The following is an abridged version of “The Northwestern University Football Union and the NCAA’s Death Spiral” written by Dave…

Solidarity shown with East Harlem residents in wake of killer gas explosion

March 29, 2014

New York -- A group of people from several New York City-based organizations came to East Harlem on March 23…

Postal unions unite against privatization

March 29, 2014

In the face of unprecedented attacks from Congress, corporations and postal management, the four major postal unions have created a…

Anti-fascists organize resistance as crisis grips Ukraine coup regime

March 28, 2014

Just a month after a U.S.-backed coup d’état in Ukraine brought to power a regime dominated by neo-Nazis and pro-Western…

‘Fight for 15’ kicks off in Appalachia

March 28, 2014

Huntington, W.Va. -- A coalition of activists from Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST), Workers World Party, Students for Appalachian Socialism,…

McDonald’s icon busted for wage theft

March 28, 2014

New York — A large group of fast-food workers and their supporters held a flash protest on March 18 in…

Marxism explains long-term jobless growth

March 28, 2014

Five years into the capitalist recovery, the crisis of mass, long-term unemployment will not go away. The Labor Department defines…

Protesters tell looters for 1%: ‘Detroit is NOT for sale’

March 28, 2014

The ultra-right-wing, anti-union, anti-people Manhattan Policy Institute hosted the notorious looters of Detroit’s pensions and treasury, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder…

Stop the anti-people legislation in Georgia

March 28, 2014

Atlanta, March 20 — For the ninth consecutive week, Moral Monday Georgia staged actions on March 18 opposing reactionary legislation…