The meaning of low-wage worker struggle

April 19, 2014

And the need for an independent revolutionary pole in new working-class movement The nationwide strikes of workers at places like…

Greece sells bonds, workers suffer more

April 19, 2014

If workers in the Ukraine want to see what joining the EU and borrowing from the “troika” — the European…

Northwestern football players can unionize

April 18, 2014

In a move that could change the rights of many of the 420,000 NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) athletes, the…

‘Raise minimum wage, no food stamp cuts’

April 18, 2014

Labor and community activists marched through the Near West Side neighborhood of Cleveland on April 12, protesting against recent cuts…

Agreement announced in Ukraine after U.S.-Kiev offensive flops

April 18, 2014

April 17 — News arrived this afternoon from Geneva that Russia, the United States, the European Union and Ukraine’s coup…

Militias march to defend Bolivarian Venezuela

April 18, 2014

“Every 11 has its 13.” Under this slogan, the Day of National Dignity and the Day of the Bolivarian Militia…

Philadelphia teachers’ seniority rights stripped away

April 18, 2014

After failing to settle a contract with the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers for over nine months, on March 24 the…

Community barbecue turns into police riot

April 18, 2014

A community barbeque and speakout was held on April 12 in Stockton, Calif., organized by the Inter Council for Mothers…

Common Core and the educational-industrial complex

April 17, 2014

The war on public education, part 2 In 2009, the Obama administration launched Common Core, which was a devastating attack…

Rights for women or corporations? Part 2

April 17, 2014

Part 1: Rights for women or corporations? The case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby, which was presented to the Supreme…