Mumia’s 60th birthday re-energizes the struggle to free him

May 6, 2014

Philadelphia — Three days of events organized to accelerate the struggle to bring political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal home kicked off…

‘Central Park Five’ rally at City Hall: A tale of two de Blasios

May 6, 2014

New York — On April 17, the December 12th Movement held a large, diverse rally at City Hall here to bring attention…

Bay Area celebrates Mumia’s birthday

May 6, 2014

Lynne Stewart, Ramona Africa, Pam Africa and Ralph Poynter were greeted by a packed, standing-room-only house in Oakland, Calif., on…

Young Black woman brutalized by BART police and jail cops

May 5, 2014

Oakland, Calif. -- The Bay Area Rapid Transit police have achieved notoriety once again, this time with the brutalization of…

Oklahoma execution exposes death penalty: Cruel but usual

May 5, 2014

The heart attack that killed death row prisoner Clayton Lockett on April 29 after the state of Oklahoma tried to…

Stop U.S.-sponsored fascist terror in Ukraine!

May 4, 2014

May 4 — Workers World newspaper condemns the collaboration of the U.S. government with the fascist terror sweeping southeast Ukraine.…

The Hurricane: Rubin Carter

May 3, 2014

From an April 23 audio column posted on  Hurricane Carter died from prostate cancer on April 20 at age…

San Diego meeting says ‘Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!’

May 3, 2014

San Diego's Malcolm X Library hosted an April 27 gathering honoring world-famous political prisoner, people's journalist and revolutionary author Mumia…

California teachers’ union votes to boycott Staples

May 3, 2014

The following announcement was posted on on April 29. Sacramento, Calif. – The Executive Council of the California Federation…

Anti-drone events in Central New York

May 2, 2014

Syracuse, N.Y. -- In a determined protest against the U.S. use of drone warfare, 150 people marched to the gates…