Workers around the world say NO to cutbacks & austerity

May 7, 2014

In addition to May Day marches in the U.S., millions of workers all over the world protested and marched on…

Manifestantes les dicen a los jefes de restaurantes

May 7, 2014

Washington, DC — Era lluvioso, ventoso y frío, pero esto no disminuyó el entusiasmo de decenas de manifestantes que se…

Activistas discuten ‘América Latina en una encrucijada’

May 7, 2014

Huntington, Virginia Occidental — Un foro público encabezado por un panel experto de activistas tuvo lugar en el campus de…

War Propaganda in Ukraine – The Big Lie and lots of little lies

May 7, 2014

The U.S. corporate media are in lock step lying and distorting the events in Ukraine. These are many little lies…

May Day in U.S. targets the 1%

May 7, 2014

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="14265,14264,14261,14263,14260,14288,14262,14259"] May Day — International Workers’ Day — was commemorated across the country with calls for workers’ rights,…

Voices of oppressed ring out in New York’s Union Square

May 7, 2014

Union Square, New York City — Since a migrant upsurge in 2006 revived May Day in the United States, Union…

Detroit May Day: ‘Make the banks pay!’

May 7, 2014

May Day in Detroit focused around the ongoing struggle against emergency management, the forced city bankruptcy and the role of…

GUILTY: Washington, Kiev responsible for Odessa massacre

May 6, 2014

May 4 — Imagine a gathering of diverse activists in a medium-sized U.S. city, representing low-wage workers, communities mobilizing against…

UKRAINE: U.S. behind attacks on resistance

May 6, 2014

May 4 — U.S. imperialism has orchestrated and approved a new military offensive against the anti-Kiev resistance in towns and…

World Economic Forum hosted by Nigeria amid internal security crises

May 6, 2014

Africa’s leading oil-exporting state and most populous country, Nigeria has been designated by the West as Africa's largest economy, yet…