Message of congratulations from Mundo Obrero/Workers World Party in the USA to the FARC-EP on its 50th anniversary

May 23, 2014

The following message was sent from Workers World Party/Mundo Obrero to the FARC-EP of Colombia on May 23. Comrades of…

Mensaje de felicitaciones del Partido Workers World/Mundo Obrero en EUA a las FARC-EP por el 50º aniversario

May 23, 2014

Compañeras y compañeros de las FARC-EP, El Partido Workers World/Mundo Obrero desea extender un fuerte abrazo revolucionario a todas/os y…

Protest hits Con Ed’s criminal neglect

May 23, 2014

A protest was held at Con Edison’s 2014 annual shareholders meeting in New York City on May 19 to demand…

How climate change impacts people in the U.S.

May 23, 2014

Last year in March, a huge percentage of people in this country ranked five other topics more dangerous than climate…

Art exhibit builds 5 Days for the Cuban 5

May 23, 2014

Washington, D.C. -- Westminster Church hosted an exhibit and sale of reproductions of watercolors by Antonio Guerrero, titled “I will…

Russia-China strategic accords in view

May 22, 2014

This article by Manlio Dinucci was published in Il Manifesto on May 20 and translated by Workers World managing editor…

Mortgage crisis continues

May 22, 2014

A new report documents how millions of people across the U.S. continue to suffer the effects of the housing crisis…

Undocumented students demand access to education

May 22, 2014

Atlanta --  Since 2010, undocumented students have been unable to attend the top five public universities and colleges in Georgia…

For an end to the China-Vietnam conflict

May 22, 2014

A dangerous conflict has broken out between the People’s Republic of China and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam over the…

Colombian guerrillas continue struggle

May 21, 2014

Two major events involving the Colombian guerrilla movement occurred this week: a ceasefire during the presidential elections and a partial…