Mississippi after 50 years: The struggle keeps on . . .

July 3, 2014

Jackson, Miss. -- Freedom Summer changed the course of U.S. history in 1964, when more than 1,000 students and youth,…

We march in Pride

July 3, 2014

Year after year, many among the million-plus people who line the streets to watch the Pride parade in New York…

‘What do we want? Transjustice!’

July 3, 2014

The 10th annual Trans Day of Action brought together hundreds of mainly transgender youth and young workers of color, along…

Boston Solidarity Day III

July 2, 2014

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="15067,15068,15069"] Nearly 500 militant USW 8751 Boston School Bus drivers and supporters took the struggle against Veolia/City union…

Ruling aids anti-choice terror

July 2, 2014

Top court attacks women The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling eliminating a 35-foot buffer zone around clinics that provide reproductive…

Stop Israeli assault!

July 2, 2014

July 1 — Early this morning, the Israeli authorities used the death of three Israeli teenagers as the pretext to…

Free Palestinian prisoners!

July 2, 2014

Activists protested outside the Israeli Consulate in Philadelphia during rush hour on June 27, as an emergency response to the…

Rights activists protest ‘Human Rights Watch’

July 2, 2014

June 26 — Human rights activists marched from the New York Times offices to the Empire State Building — which…

San Francisco rally defends human rights in Honduras

July 2, 2014

On the fifth anniversary of the coup in Honduras, the Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition and Hondurans in Resistance…

Money for jobs, not war on Iraq!

July 1, 2014

June 28 — Demonstrators gathered in Durham, N.C., to oppose U.S. intervention in Iraq, calling for "No troops! No drones!…