Grassroots actions defend Post Office

July 8, 2014

As postal workers, we’re in for a fight — to protect our union jobs and the public Post Office that people have…

Donetsk People’s Republic leaders reinforce defenses

July 7, 2014

On the night of July 4-5, the militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) withdrew from the embattled cities of…

Drop frame-up charges! Rehire four Boston school bus drivers!

July 7, 2014

The city of Boston and the Veolia Corporation have responded to the Boston school bus drivers’ union show of strength…

Argentina ruling: U.S. court backs Wall Street vultures

July 7, 2014

U.S. government actions to promote Wall Street banks, particularly in Latin America, have a long and sordid history. A highly…

U.N. officials condemn Detroit water shutoffs

July 4, 2014

The shutoff of water to thousands of Detroit homes has become national and international news. An appeal to the United…

‘Threat to health of region’

July 4, 2014

Dear Friends: Yesterday in my neighborhood, I saw a house with at least six kids on the porch with their…

Golden Farm workers win contract

July 4, 2014

For nearly two years the workers at the Golden Farm Deli in the Kensington neighborhood of Brooklyn have been trying…

On the picket line

July 4, 2014

Tentative transit agreement in San Francisco Transport Workers Union Local 250-A announced on June 27 that it had reached a…

Ukraine: Democracy of the minority

July 3, 2014

Victor Shapinov of the Marxist organization Union Borotba (Struggle) analyzes the forces at work behind President Petro Poroshenko’s announcement officially…

Women, yes! Corporations, no!

July 3, 2014

The International Working Women’s Day Coalition held an after-work protest in Union Square on June 30. The group denounced the…