We are all Gaza

July 22, 2014

U.S. provides, weapons, diplomatic cover for Israeli ethnic cleansing in Gaza July 22 — Israel’s horrific assault on the people…

U.S. protests in solidarity with people of Gaza

July 22, 2014

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="15363,15365,15361,15366,15360,15359,15362,15358,15364"] As people of conscience around the world condemn the genocidal Israeli invasion of Gaza, protesters inside the…

Worldwide solidarity with Gaza

July 22, 2014

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="15345,15346,15347,15348,15349,15350,15351,15352"] Often the corporate media use the term “international community” to give weight to an opinion that is…

France: Thousands defy ban on pro-Palestinian protests

July 22, 2014

According to the French newspaper Le Monde, on July 19 between 6,000 and 8,000 people showed up at a banned…

Senate hearing airs pro/con views about abortion

July 22, 2014

The Senate Judiciary Committee convened a hearing July 15 about the Women’s Health Protection Act. The law is needed to…

Detroit: Thirsty for justice

July 22, 2014

July 21 — The Detroit Water & Sewerage Department announced at a federal bankruptcy court hearing before Judge Steven Rhodes…

Brooklyn, N.Y.: ’No to gentrification’

July 22, 2014

The Equality for Flatbush Project held a “Save Affordable Housing/Fight Gentrification Visibility Day” on July 19 to demand an end…

Essence of neoliberal empire — Social chaos and world destruction

July 22, 2014

Alberto Rabilotta is an Argentine-Canadian journalist specializing in economic issues. Workers World is publishing this two-part article as a contribution…

Hamas’ conditions for ceasefire

July 21, 2014

The Alternative Information Center describes itself as “an internationally oriented, progressive, joint Palestinian-Israeli activist organization, located in Beit Sahour and…

What happens when the U.S. shoots down a passenger plane?

July 21, 2014

Remember the Iranian airliner? On July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes launched a surface-to-air missile at an Iranian civilian airliner.…