Detroit rallies for Rasmea Odeh, Palestine

August 7, 2014

Two public actions in solidarity with Palestinians were held on July 31 in the Detroit metropolitan area. A hearing in…

U.S. commits war crimes in Gaza

August 7, 2014

While spokespersons for the U.S. government cynically condemned the July 29 Israeli shelling of a United Nations school in Gaza…

Letter to the editor from an IDF vet

August 6, 2014

I was a member of the Israeli military from 1972 to 1975 and took part in the illegal Zionist occupations…

Egypt complicit in Israeli siege on Gaza

August 6, 2014

Some of the fiercest attacks on Gaza have been Israeli attacks on the Egyptian-Gaza border crossing at Rafah. More than…

Ukraine: Who will pay for the war?

August 6, 2014

By Sergei Kirichuk Union Borotba (Struggle) The militant nationalist sentiments of supporters of the “Anti-Terrorist Operation” (ATO) have always been…

Activists confront NYC mayor over killer cops

August 6, 2014

New York -- A flying squad of activists from New Yorkers Against Bratton confronted Mayor Bill de Blasio as he left the…

Anti-war protests sweep Ukraine

August 6, 2014

Aug. 5 — Women gather in the dozens to block major highways, carrying signs and banners reading “Save our boys”…


August 5, 2014

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="15551,15552,15553"] Aug. 4 — The world movement in solidarity with Palestine must join hands in demanding the complete lifting…

De Eric Garner a la Palestina ocupada: enemigo y lucha común

August 5, 2014

Con la Decisión Dred Scott de 1857 como telón de fondo, existen inquietantes paralelos entre el asesinato racista y cobarde…

¿Qué mantiene al pueblo palestino luchando?

August 5, 2014

Editorial Workers World/Mundo Obrero Los gobernantes israelíes, con el Pentágono, Wall Street y Washington respaldándoles, están utilizando los actos más…