Evento “Bloqueo del barco por Gaza” detiene barco israelí Zim

August 26, 2014

Oakland, Calif., 18 de agosto — Alrededor de 5.000 manifestantes marcharon casi 2 km y medio desde la terminal del…

Palestinos expresan “solidaridad con el pueblo de Ferguson” en declaración sobre Mike Brown

August 26, 2014

Estos son extractos de una declaración introductoria de Rana Baker, seguido por el texto completo de un mensaje de solidaridad…

Manifestación en el Bronx denuncia cierre de escuelas en Puerto Rico

August 26, 2014

El Bronx, N.Y. -- Una concurrida plaza en el Bronx fue el escenario de un encuentro callejero el 21 de…

Ferguson, Mo., community stands strong against militarized police

August 25, 2014

Ferguson, Mo. -- Anti-racists from all over the world fighting against police brutality have expressed their solidarity with the embattled…

Ferguson, Mo., community activists talk to WW

August 25, 2014

Ferguson, Mo., Aug. 24 — Abdul Syed marches courageously and in solidarity with the hundreds of protesters who march nightly…

Thousands demand “Justice for Eric Garner!”

August 25, 2014

Staten Island, N.Y. -- At least 15,000 people demonstrated in Staten Island, N.Y., on Aug. 23,  demanding justice for Eric…

Rasmea Odeh case: Judge Borman forced to step down

August 22, 2014

fightbacknews.org dated Aug.12 Detroit — Judge Paul D. Borman was forced to remove himself from the case of Palestinian community…

On the picket line

August 22, 2014

Kellogg ordered to end lockout On July 30, a federal judge ordered Kellogg to end its union-busting lockout of 226…

March marks Rabaa massacre anniversary

August 22, 2014

Thousands of Egyptian-Americans marched from the Egyptian Mission to the United Nations to Times Square on Aug. 14 to mark…

WW salutes revolutionary youth Andrew Brazhevsky

August 22, 2014

Workers World joins with communist and anti-fascist fighters around the world in marking the August 30 Day of Remembrance for…