Ebola crisis requires global response

October 1, 2014

Sept. 29 — A special session at the 69th U.N. General Assembly discussed the spread of the Ebola virus in…

Latino/a community defends woman attacked by police

October 1, 2014

Just two months after the recent New York Police Department chokehold killing of Eric Garner in Staten Island, another video-recorded…

Venezuelans defend Bolivarian Revolution

October 1, 2014

Venezuela is in the midst of the difficult task of constructing the path to socialism. Like any living process, it…

Lessons of the Air France strike

October 1, 2014

An airlines strike in France highlighted the French bosses’ attempt to attack or evade French labor laws, which are stronger…

Ferguson: Community protests racist power structure

October 1, 2014

Eight people were arrested on Sept. 28 as protests continued in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo. People reportedly…

Hate crime reform a snake oil cure for LGBTQ oppression

October 1, 2014

Philadelphia — In the wake of the recent gay bashing in Philadelphia, let’s not be fooled into thinking that cops…

Justice for John Crawford!

October 1, 2014

There is now no justice for John Crawford III, the 22-year-old African-American youth killed on Aug. 5 in a Wal-Mart store…

Free Sundiata Acoli!

September 30, 2014

Political prisoner Sundiata Acoli, aka Clark Edward Squire, is scheduled to be released on parole after spending more than 40…

Aumenta apoyo sindical para los Cinco Cubanos

September 30, 2014

La sala de reuniones en la planta baja de la sede del Sindicato de Empleados de Servicio (SEIU por sus…

El sexismo y el juego de la culpa

September 30, 2014

Editorial Workers World-Mundo Obrero 23 de septiembre de 2014 Recientes revelaciones sobre atletas y el abuso doméstico implica que estos…