NYC faces crisis over tunnel repairs

October 11, 2014

Superstorm Sandy has not finished disrupting life in this city, even though it blew out to sea two years ago.…

Defending disability rights

October 11, 2014

Activists with disabilities and allies from New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts gathered at an 1199 Service Employees union hall…

Abortion rights curtailed in Texas

October 10, 2014

On Oct. 2, with a wave of its judicial wand, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals shut down 14 of…

Detroiters confront federal housing chief

October 10, 2014

Detroit — Mel Watt, head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), was confronted by protesters as he convened a…

Anti-drone protest: ‘Stop U.S. wars!’

October 9, 2014

Syracuse, N.Y. -- In continued resistance to escalating U.S. wars, 75 people marched and rallied at the gates of Hancock…

WW forum links Ferguson, Palestine

October 9, 2014

“What’s happening in Ferguson isn’t rioting, it’s rebellion. And this isn’t the first time in our history we’ve rebelled,” declared…

Morocco public workers strike

October 9, 2014

Moroccan workers in the public sector are under attack by the state, which has decided not to talk to their…

Statement on Ebola by healthcare group in Spain

October 9, 2014

The following is a press release from the Anti-Privatization of Healthcare Coordination, centered in Madrid, that was issued on Oct.…

Odiario on Brazil election

October 9, 2014 is a site maintained by Portuguese Marxists. They published the following commentary on Oct. 6, the day after the…

Biden tells truth, apologizes

October 9, 2014

It is rare that a U.S. politician reveals any important fact. It is especially rare to reveal one that exposes…