Fidel Castro on Ebola crisis: ‘Duty calls’

October 23, 2014

The following statement, written by the former president of Cuba on Oct. 17, can be found at the Granma website…

Why isn’t there more global aid to fight Ebola?

October 22, 2014

Oct. 20 — Several United States congressional representatives have called for a ban on travel into the U.S. from the…

Ebola, Cuba and capitalism

October 22, 2014

It is impossible to ignore that the capitalist for-profit system is the greatest obstacle in the effort to control the…

Behind stock market swings: World capitalist slowdown looms

October 22, 2014

Oct. 19 — A global capitalist slowdown has sent world stock markets into decline, from Wall Street to London, Berlin…

Philadelphia: No to ICE

October 22, 2014

Erika Almiron, director of immigrant rights’ organization Juntos, spoke at an Oct. 16 press conference on the latest attacks by…

Supreme Court upholds racist Texas ID law

October 22, 2014

Once again the right-wing majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has made an outrageous attack on the hard-won democratic rights…

Demonstrators drown out Pa. Gov. Corbett who signed ‘Silence Mumia Law’

October 22, 2014

Philadelphia, Oct. 21 — Lots of media were on hand today in Philadelphia to record the moment when Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett put…

The left in Ukraine and the origins of Borotba

October 22, 2014

Interview with Borotba leader Victor Shapinov, Part 2 Simferopol, Crimea — On Sept. 22, Workers World conducted an extensive interview with Victor…

Stops cuts of teachers’ benefits in Philadelphia!

October 21, 2014

Judge Nina Wright Padilla of the Court of Common Pleas issued a temporary injunction Oct. 20 barring the School Reform…

World Federation of Trade Unions says Ebola virus deaths facilitated by imperialism

October 21, 2014

Following is an edited statement issued by the World Federation of Trade Unions’ Secretariat in Athens, Greece, on Oct. 15.…