Rosebud Sioux say House Vote for Keystone XL is ‘act of war’

November 21, 2014

Workers World reprints this Nov. 14 article by Wica Agli, of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, published by the Earth First!…

Protest at Immigrant Detention Center, then Fort Benning, Georgia

November 21, 2014

Workers World is publishing the following announcement from the School of the Americas Watch on their upcoming protest action in…

Occupation is responsible for escalation in Jerusalem

November 21, 2014

The following is a statement from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in the aftermath…

As postal bosses meet in D.C., unions rally against downsizing

November 20, 2014

Officials at the headquarters of the U.S. Postal Service in Washington, D.C., kept an angry, overflow crowd in the lobby…

Suit challenges law muzzling Mumia

November 20, 2014

Attorneys representing political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal filed a lawsuit in federal court in Harrisburg, Pa., on Nov. 10 seeking to…

Homeless organize in Boston

November 20, 2014

An overflow crowd of 300 homeless people and their supporters rocked the Blackstone Community Center in Boston’s South End on…

Protests over police violence sweep France

November 20, 2014

Rémi Fraisse was killed by an “offensive grenade” used by French cops Oct. 26 during a protest against a dam…

Spread Marxism, build the party

November 20, 2014

WORKERS WORLD PARTY CONFERENCE This is a very difficult period for the working class and the oppressed. But this difficult…

Lessons of May Day & the migrant rights movement

November 20, 2014

WORKERS WORLD PARTY CONFERENCE Not too long ago, the movement in this country hardly remembered, much less commemorated, May Day.…

What it takes to unite the workers & oppressed

November 19, 2014

WORKERS WORLD PARTY CONFERENCE Comrades, I want to start by saying a word about the immense Boston struggle. In the…