Contra el Estado racista

December 9, 2014

El movimiento nacional desencadenado el 24 de noviembre por el asesinato de Michael Brown en Ferguson, Misuri, alcanzó más de…

Huelgas de Walmart se unen a protestas Ferguson

December 9, 2014

El espíritu combativo de la gente de Ferguson, Misuri a raíz de la decisión de no procesar al asesino policía…

Protests grow stronger, stop traffic across country

December 8, 2014

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="17367,17368,17369,17370,17371,17372"] Demonstrations expressing outrage over the police killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner took place over the…

Ferguson rebellion and history of resistance

December 8, 2014

Taken from a talk given by Lamont Lilly at the Nov. 15-16 Workers World Party national conference.   In 1865,…

Egypt’s military regime set to free Mubarak

December 8, 2014

In 2011, a heroic mass revolution deposed U.S.-supported Egyptian dictator Gen. Hosni Mubarak. This uprising was an inspiration to poor…

‘Homrich 9’ face charges for stopping water shutoffs

December 8, 2014

Dec. 8 — Nine Detroit activists were arrested in July for stopping trucks from leaving their yard to shut off…

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions activists protest RE/MAX in Denver

December 8, 2014

Protesters marched with signs in front of the RE/MAX International headquarters in Denver to raise awareness that this U.S.-based global…

Brooklyn, N.Y., protest demands justice for Akai Gurley, slain by NYPD

December 6, 2014

Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 6 — Akai Gurley, a 28-year-old unarmed Black father, was taking the stairs with his partner at…

Protests in U.S. grow bolder, larger after Garner injustice

December 6, 2014

[gallery type="square" ids="17332,17335,17330,17334"] Black, Brown and — to a greater extent even than in earlier protests in solidarity with Ferguson…

My reunion with Brazil

December 6, 2014

By Miguel Urbano Rodrigues The author is a Portuguese writer, editor and Communist activist, who was exiled in Brazil from…