CIA ‘exposed’ but protected; Bush and company off the hook

December 13, 2014

The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on CIA torture reveals in detail the unrestrained brutality its operatives have carried out at…

NATO powers threaten re-attack on Libya

December 12, 2014

Recent reports claim that Islamic State camps have been set up in Libya, the North African country in chaos after…

Mass protests by Haiti’s people

December 12, 2014

Tens of thousands of Haitians have come out into the streets repeatedly in the last month. They demand that President…

Why unions need Black youth

December 12, 2014

The new youthful explosion demanding justice and battling police racism and terror is offering new life to the existing labor…

Operation restore trust?

December 12, 2014

Dec. 2 — The flames of Ferguson have eaten their fill, and its eerie glow has cast light on how…

On the picket line

December 12, 2014

By Matty Starrdust and Sue Davis Minn. janitors strike on ‘Black’ Friday Joining other strikers on “Black” Friday, Nov. 28,…

Michigan struggle demands transgender civil rights

December 11, 2014

Detroit — The victories for marriage equality represent a huge advance for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer movement in…

‘We are the resistance!’ say Syracuse students and community

December 11, 2014

Syracuse, N.Y. -- In bitter cold, 300 protesters marched from Syracuse University into downtown Syracuse in a militant outcry against…

Stop police harassment of Ferguson protest organizers

December 11, 2014

Philadelphia — As protests continue to spread across the U.S. and around the world in response to police brutality and…

Rasmea Odeh out of jail, heading home to Chicago

December 11, 2014

Members of the Rasmea Defense Committee from Chicago and Detroit/Dearborn just welcomed Rasmea back from four weeks in a Port…