Growing incarceration rates for African Americans

December 18, 2014

Beyond police bullets and chokeholds Since the police killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., on Aug. 9, and…

Meeting in Harlem says Black lives matter, from Ferguson to West Africa

December 18, 2014

Harlem, N.Y. -- An all day rainstorm could not keep people from attending a Solidarity Rally Against Ebola, Stigma and…

Athletes break their silence

December 17, 2014

The current national uprising against police violence dominates the U.S. political terrain. The revolt began with the Ferguson, Mo., rebellion,…

Court rules for Albert Woodfox, now let him go!

December 17, 2014

Forty-two years in solitary confinement is 42 years too long. Albert Woodfox should be released now from a Louisiana prison.…

No let up in fight to stop police killings in Cleveland

December 17, 2014

Since the killing of 12-year-old Tamir Rice on Nov. 22 by a white Cleveland police officer, the movement against racist…

Durham youth vs. cops

December 17, 2014

We live in a society where cops can kill an unarmed Black man, and the only person that gets indicted…


December 17, 2014

Dec. 17 – The Obama administration announced today that the remaining incarcerated Cuban Five – Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero and…

Mass marches affirm that ‘Black Lives Matter’

December 16, 2014

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="17501,17508,17503,17504,17505,17506,17510,17507,17502,17509"] The four-month uprising against police violence received a tremendous boost on Dec. 13 — a national day…

Rev. Pinkney jailed for fighting racist power structure

December 16, 2014

St. Joseph, Mich. -- Another racist injustice has been committed. Here on Dec. 14, Berrien County Judge Sterling Schrock sentenced…

Washington inflames ‘new Cold War’ with Russia

December 16, 2014

On Dec. 4, tens of thousands of people in New York and across the U.S. took to the streets to…