Capitalist overproduction and stagnation behind sharp decline in oil prices

January 5, 2015

Jan. 5 — For tens of millions of members of the working class in the United States, a car is…

Regime change packaged as ‘free expression’

January 5, 2015

The Obama administration issued new sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on Jan. 2, targeting its  diplomats stationed in…

Making torture legal

January 3, 2015

Taken from a Dec. 12, 2014, audio column posted on   In the wake of the Senate Intelligence Select…

Demonstrating respect

January 3, 2015

Taken from a Dec. 23, 2014, audio column posted by Throughout much of modern American history, the seasons of…

An open letter from Assata Shakur: ‘I am a 20th century escaped slave’

December 30, 2014

My name is Assata Shakur, and I am a 20th century escaped slave. Because of government persecution, I was left…

Appeal to Donetsk officials on behalf of missing Borotba activists

December 30, 2014

Workers World is publishing this urgent statement from the Marxist organization Union Borotba (Struggle) of Ukraine. Ukrainian leftist political activists…

DPRK statement — Security Council attacks Korean socialism

December 30, 2014

The Permanent Mission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to the United Nations has issued the following press…

UAW local backs BDS

December 28, 2014

Berkeley, Calif., Dec. 10 — United Auto Workers Local 2865, a statewide University of California student-worker union local, became, according…

Call to beat back Wisconsin anti-labor bill

December 28, 2014

Right-wing legislators in Wisconsin announced in December that they will push for passage of a right-to-work (for less) law in…

On the picket line

December 28, 2014

New labor regs speed up unionization process The National Labor Relations Board issued a new set of rules on Dec.…