Lugansk: Left forces unite, call international solidarity conference

April 24, 2015

The unity of leftist forces in the embattled Donbass region, formerly part of southeastern Ukraine, took a big step forward…

Dock workers to ‘shut it down’

April 23, 2015

MAY DAY PROTEST OF POLICE KILLINGS On Friday, May 1 -- International Workers’ Day -- the cranes for loading cargo…

Philadelphia activists demand justice for Rekia Boyd

April 23, 2015

In response to the outrageous Chicago court decision exonerating the police in the killing of unarmed, 22-year-old Rekia Boyd, shot…

Mumia’s health crisis & political support

April 23, 2015

Monica Moorehead speaking April 17, 2015 [youtube=]

Syracuse student workers organize

April 23, 2015

Student organizing against Syracuse University austerity cutbacks is accelerating. On April 9, SU student-workers held a rally and march to…

The power of people’s war and global anti-imperialist solidarity

April 23, 2015

It took 30 years of hard fighting, but the last weeks were like a blur. First a lightning assault in…

Slowdown, unemployment plague world capitalism

April 23, 2015

The finance ministers of the largest capitalist economies exuded gloom and pessimism at the recent Washington meeting of the G-20.…

‘Colombian peace process must go forward’

April 23, 2015

Below is a statement issued on April 20 by a fact-finding delegation that traveled to Cuba to assess the peace…

Why Washington fosters fascism in Ukraine

April 23, 2015

From Odessa massacre to communist ban Greg Butterfield, coordinator, Solidarity with Ukraine Antifascists Committee; WW Contributing Editor [youtube=]

Justice for Freddie Grey! Baltimore FIST says No to police terror!

April 22, 2015

The following statement on the police killing of Freddie Grey was issued April 21 by Baltimore FIST -- Fight Imperialism,…