U.S.-backed Saudi Coalition kills Yemeni civilians

May 5, 2015

Fighter aircraft from the Saudi-Gulf Cooperation Council coalition continued their massive bombing operations in Yemen during late April by attacking…

Disarm the Pentagon

May 5, 2015

The perpetual warfare state headquartered in Washington, D.C., and extending to military bases and deployments around the world has a…

Luego de Ferguson, policía contraataca: resistencia en masa es la respuesta

May 5, 2015

El desafío arrogante y el obstruccionismo evasivo que la policía de Baltimore ha manifestado ante el video que les muestra…

Gaza y Baltimore

May 5, 2015

Gaza es la prisión más grande del mundo. Casi dos millones de palestinas/os están encerrados allí por el bloqueo militar…

Boston school bus drivers vote in fired union leaders

May 4, 2015

Boston -- In a stunning victory, the militant, fighting rank and file of the Boston school bus drivers’ union, United…

Longshore workers shut down Bay Area ports on May Day

May 4, 2015

Oakland, Calif., May 1 -- Once again the membership of International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10 did a remarkable…

Upstate N.Y. farmworkers’ May Day: ‘We will not bow down’

May 4, 2015

Latino and Latina immigrant farmworkers held their first-ever May Day march in upstate New York at Marks Dairy Farms in…

World wide pressure to stop the murder of Mumia Abu-Jamal by medical neglect

May 4, 2015

Philadelphia --  Intensive worldwide efforts have been ramped up to raise awareness of the dire health crisis facing Mumia Abu-Jamal since…

Punishment for profit: The economics of mass incarceration

May 4, 2015

“Mass incarceration on a scale almost unexampled in human history is a fundamental fact of our country today -- perhaps…

Workers World Party @WWPnatl

May 4, 2015

Workers World Party (@WWPnatl) is now on twitter! Follow @WWPnatl for live updates, events, calls to action, and more. WWP…