Black woman found dead in jail cell

August 6, 2015

Aug. 2 — Ralkina Jones is yet another African-American woman who died in police custody under suspicious circumstances. Jones, 37-years-old,…

Killer cop charged in murder of Sam Dubose in Cincinnati

August 6, 2015

The terrifying video of an African-American motorist’s life being snuffed out by a white racist cop, University of Cincinnati police…

60,000 signatures demand justice for Tamir Rice

August 6, 2015

It has been eight months since the police killing of the 12-year-old Black youth, Tamir Rice, in a Cleveland park.…

War on migrants continues unabated

August 5, 2015

While the courts quibble with the Obama administration on his November executive action, hundreds of thousands of workers continue to…

Trial of Ebola vaccine seen as promising

August 5, 2015

A recent trial of a vaccine to prevent the Ebola virus disease has taken place in the West African state…

Role of the Workers’ Party of Kurdistan

August 5, 2015

The Workers Party of Kurdistan (PKK) has been involved in a guerrilla war against the oppressive Turkish regime since 1984.…

U.S. solidarity for slain youth in Turkey

August 5, 2015

Members of the revolutionary youth organization Detroit FIST (Fight Imperialism, Stand Together) show solidarity on July 26 with the young…

Police terror rises

August 4, 2015

One year after Mike Brown’s murder A Department of Justice study completed earlier this year and released to the press…

Turkish regime opens dirty war on Kurds, leftists

August 4, 2015

The reactionary Justice and Development Party (AKP) government of Turkey, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, began a military offensive…

Zimbabwe and the killing of Cecil

August 4, 2015

It has taken the illegal and cruel killing on July 1 of a beloved lion named Cecil by a stereotypically…