2024 PDFs





Kenya statement
6/27/2024 (color | B&W)
China: Palestine has
right to armed struggle
(color | B&W) 2/29/24
The sacrifice of Aaron
(color | B&W) 2/29/24
Beware war on Iran! •
Stop defunding UNRWA! •
U.S. attacks Syria, Iraq
(color | B&W) 2/5/24
Justice means abolishing
police & capitalism
(color | B&W) 2020
Sam Marcy in 1971
on the police
(color | B&W)

Other recent Palestine-related Handouts
Palestine is all of us •
Courage to resist •
On Zionist narrative
(color | B&W) 11/21/23
Union opposition to
genocide grows, 11/14/23
(color | B&W)
Salute students who
fight genocide, 11/13/23
(color | B&W)

Delegation in Cairo
11/12/23 Press release
(color | B&W)
Gaza resistance exposes
limits of US power
(color | B&W)
Palestinian Trade
Unions call, 10/16/23
(color | B&W)
Marxist Youth League
on Palestine, 10/24/23
(color | B&W)

Palestinian joint
statement, 10/28
(color | B&W)
Susan Abulhawa on
Palestinian struggle
(color | B&W) 10/21/23
Statement on Palestine
English & Spanish
(color | B&W) 10/8/23
Defend the right to
resistance [Palestine]
(color | B&W)
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