Okinawans resist U.S. military bases

July 5, 2016

Resistance is alive and well in Okinawa. Some 65,000 people rallied on June 19 in Naha, the island’s capital city,…

Mississippi is still burning

July 5, 2016

Both the Black Lives Matter movement of today and the Civil Rights movement of Freedom Summer 1964 were ignited by…

How rich benefit from Cuomo ‘jobs program’

July 5, 2016

Workers have had to fight for jobs for a long time. In response to the economic panic and depression of…

Nueva fase de lucha en Puerto Rico

July 5, 2016

Cuando el presidente Barack Obama firmó el jueves 30 de junio, la Ley de Fiscalización, Manejo y Estabilización Económica de…

Cumbre OTAN en Varsovia amenaza guerra a Rusia

July 5, 2016

La ubicación de la próxima cumbre de la OTAN es en sí misma una provocación contra Rusia. Los líderes de…

Brexit and the migration/refugee humanitarian crisis

July 4, 2016

The recent Brexit vote in Europe was closely tied to the issue of migrants and refugees.  Mirrored by the racist,…

The Brexit vote and the need for global working class consciousness

July 4, 2016

No doubt, there is hatred of the European Union on the left in Europe.  The EU is an anti-worker, reactionary…

Peltier on 41st anniversary of ‘Incident at Oglala’

July 4, 2016

Sisters, brothers, friends and supporters: June 26 marks 41 years since the long summer day when three young men were…

‘DNC protests to go on with or without permits’

July 4, 2016

Representatives of over a dozen groups planning protests in Philadelphia during the Democratic National Convention joined forces at a press…

They’ll be marching in Cleveland to ‘Shut down Trump and the RNC’

July 4, 2016

People from all walks of life will be marching on the Republican National Convention. Workers World spoke to some committed…