Honoring Nate Greer: Killed by BART and Hayward police

August 11, 2016

On July 30, “A Day to Remember Our Loved Ones,” the Nate Greer family held a barbeque in Hayward, Calif.,…

Facing explosion of Zika in Puerto Rico, protest stops toxic spraying before it starts

August 11, 2016

There is widespread opposition in Puerto Rico to the imposition of aerial spraying of Naled by the Centers for Disease…

Occupations amp up Black Lives Matter struggle

August 9, 2016

Activists with Millions March NYC began an occupation of New York City Hall Park the morning of Aug. 1. The…

Workers in Rio: ‘No poverty, no coup!’

August 9, 2016

Labeling the Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro the “Exclusion Games” because there is no discount for Brazilians to attend…

Boston School Bus Union West Coast tour shares lessons of victory

August 9, 2016

By Hannah Kirschbaum and Stevan Kirschbaum A delegation from Team Solidarity, Boston School Bus Drivers, Steelworkers Local 8751 toured the…

Hawai’i August 1969: Pentagon at the Crossroads as soldiers resist war

August 9, 2016

One thousand people hushed as Airman 1st Class Louis “Buffy” Parry announced his act of conscience.  He would end his…

¡Alto a la agresión de Washington!

August 9, 2016

Libia, Siria e Irak están de nuevo en las noticias. No por nada optimista. Washington y sus aliados imperialistas han…

Golpe y ‘contragolpe’ interrumpen estado turco

August 9, 2016

Dos semanas después del colapso de un intento de golpe de estado, el presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan, y su…

Anti-cop-brutality activists win for women prisoners at Santa Rita Jail, Oakland, Calif.

August 8, 2016

Four activists, arrested in 2014 for protesting police brutality and killings in Oakland, Calif., filed a civil rights suit against…

WWP’s Moorehead/Lilly campaign files for write-in status in Ohio

August 8, 2016

The Workers World Party 2016 team of Monica Moorehead and Lamont Lilly are now official presidential and vice presidential write-in…