Hands Off Syria kicks off speaking tour

December 11, 2016

New York - It was standing-room-only at the Manhattan Theatre Club. People not able to find seats stood in the…

‘Mad Dog’ at the Pentagon

December 11, 2016

“It’s fun to shoot some people,” declared “Mad Dog” James Mattis to an audience of laughing U.S. military officers in…

Palestinian boycott defeats giant G4S

December 11, 2016

The Palestinian prisoners’ and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movements celebrated a landmark victory on Dec. 2 as British-Danish conglomerate…

Rockford, Illinois, organizes against racism

December 11, 2016

More than 20 people gathered Dec. 3 in a local library to continue building a progressive movement in the wake…

Gracias, Fidel

December 11, 2016

Gracias, Fidel Gracias le doy a la vida por mi cielo ser boricua, mi alma, nacionalista y mi credo, Fidelista.…

Mensaje de condolencias de la Red de Mujeres en Lucha del Centro de Acción Internacional

December 11, 2016

Las y los miembros del Centro de Acción Internacional y de su organización hermana, la Red de Mujeres en Lucha,…

J20resist.org: Launching #J20 resistance

December 10, 2016

Workers World Party announces the launch of J20resist.org -- an online resource to help build the resistance against racist, sexist…

Iowa workers unionize at military-industrial PAE

December 10, 2016

Urbandale, Iowa - Workers at Pacific Architects and Engineers Inc. will begin contract negotiations on Jan. 21 after winning a…

Fidel and Billy Dean Smith

December 10, 2016

It was Sept. 28, 1972. Angela Davis and Fidel Castro were speaking at a mass meeting in Havana. Davis, recently…

Para Fidel: Fidel Castro-Ruz (1926-2016): VIVA FIDEL!

December 10, 2016

Fidel Castro, father of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, has died, after 90 years of a life of rebellion and resistance.…