Palestinian prisoners launch massive hunger strike

April 24, 2017

On April 17, the 43rd annual Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, over 1,500 Palestinians imprisoned by Israel on political charges launched a…

Ireland: 1916 Easter Rising inspires workers’ struggles

April 24, 2017

This April 24 is the 101st anniversary of the Easter Rising in Ireland. Throughout the island, socialist republicans commemorate the…

Abolish the death penalty

April 23, 2017

At least seven death-row prisoners were sentenced to die by lethal injection in the state of Arkansas, with the executions…

Meetings denounce THAAD deployment in south Korea

April 23, 2017

A larger than expected crowd of 75 people attended a Philadelphia meeting on April 11 about the south Korean movement…

New Yorkers protest MOAB bombing in Afghanistan

April 23, 2017

More than 40 people came to the Times Square military recruiting station in Manhattan, N.Y., on April 14 to demand…

Attack on Odessa workers remembered

April 23, 2017

The United National Antiwar Coalition held a picket line on April 10 outside the Ukrainian Consulate on Bush Street in…

Labor can shut down the war machine!

April 21, 2017

The following statement was issued by the ­Labor Fraction of Workers World Party. On April 6, President Donald Trump ordered…

Immigrant prisoners strike

April 21, 2017

Tacoma, Washington — Some 750 immigrant prisoners held a united hunger strike against inhumane conditions at the Tacoma Northwest Detention…

On the picket line

April 21, 2017

IBEW 3 is fighting back Workers in Local 3 of the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers have been striking since March…

French election: Class struggle confronts reaction

April 21, 2017

Like many other European countries and the United States, French society is tottering, reeling under a range of attacks. The…