Corea no se dejará intimidar

August 15, 2017

El Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas votó unánimemente el 5 de agosto para imponer severas sanciones económicas contra…

Partido Workers World-Mundo Obrero condena las declaraciones de Trump sobre Venezuela

August 15, 2017

El Partido Workers World-Mundo Obrero condena las declaraciones que el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump hizo el 11 de agosto contra…

Charlottesville: Watershed in the united struggle against fascism

August 14, 2017

The following is a statement from Workers World Party, which sent many of its members to Charlottesville, Va., to beat…

Charlottesville eyewitness: ‘Sticking together to battle white supremacy’

August 14, 2017

Workers World managing editor John Catalinotto interviewed WW correspondent Taryn Fivek, who was in the Workers World Party contingent at…

Labor unions condemn fascist attack

August 14, 2017

Labor unions, especially those representing education, health care and public service workers -- whose members are a majority women and…

Self-defense and the DPRK

August 14, 2017

We live in a world where there are oppressors and there are the oppressed. Inevitably, those who are oppressed and…

Why the DPRK needs a nuclear deterrent

August 14, 2017

Since 1950, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea — north Korea — has lived under the shadow of a U.S.…

Trump targets Venezuela for invasion

August 14, 2017

Failing to shake the resolve of the Korean people when he proposed war, even nuclear war, on that small country,…

Automobile scandal in Germany — Corporate poison and ‘honorable men’

August 14, 2017

Imagine finding, at one table, the worst killer crooks you ever heard of: Jack the Ripper, Al Capone, Bonnie and…

Capitalism’s hired killers: Blackwater decision reversed

August 13, 2017

In a split decision on Aug. 4, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals ordered a new trial…