Trump lied: U.S. to end legal protection of Haitian migrants

November 27, 2017

Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Elaine Duke announced on Nov. 20 that 59,000 Haitians would lose their…

Leadership change underway in Zimbabwe after resignation of President Robert Mugabe

November 24, 2017

Nov. 22 — A factional struggle inside the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party has created the…

‘We must carve out a revolutionary pole’

November 24, 2017

Speech of Workers World Party First Secretary Larry Holmes to the 2017 Party Conference. I am going to speak briefly…

Solidarity with the Philippine people

November 24, 2017

Chicago, Nov. 14 — Dozens of people rallied in front of Trump Tower here to protest the imperialist, racist Donald…

BAYAN-USA organizes broad coalition to #ResistUSWar

November 24, 2017

The following report is based on a press release from BAYAN-USA. Bay Area communities turned out in San Francisco on…

Berta Joubert-Ceci on Puerto Rico’s crisis: ‘Extend the vision to a horizon of socialism’

November 23, 2017

This talk was presented on Nov. 18 to the Workers World Party National Conference. Comrades and friends, thanks to the…

John Parker: China’s role in African development

November 23, 2017

This talk was presented on Nov. 18 to the Workers World Party National Conference. China is using so-called market socialism…

Deirdre Griswold: ‘A victory for the Korean people’s right to self-determination’

November 23, 2017

This talk was presented on Nov. 18 to the Workers World Party National Conference. We’ve all seen that, over the…

Greetings from Fred Goldstein

November 23, 2017

This talk was presented on Nov. 18 to the Workers World Party National Conference. Greetings to the 2017 annual conference…

Viva Fidel! Socialist revolution!

November 23, 2017

Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, ¡presente! We mourn his loss. We remember, we celebrate and we seek to emulate his revolutionary…