Haitians to march on Trump

January 15, 2018

A number of Haitian groups and progressives came together here on Jan. 13 in the office of the newspaper Haïti-Liberté…

African countries condemn Trump for racist slurs

January 15, 2018

Each week another controversy unfolds in the United States over the character of the administration of President Donald Trump. At…

Time’s up on sexism and racism

January 15, 2018

Last year’s Women’s March on Washington and simultaneous local demonstrations brought out millions of women in the U.S. and throughout…

How does Trump survive? He pays off the ruling class

January 13, 2018

Journalist Michael Wolff’s new book “Fire and Fury” depicts Donald Trump as totally unfit to serve as the chief executive…

Prisoners in Florida to strike on MLK Day

January 13, 2018

Most people don’t know there is one place in the U.S. where slavery is still legal -- in prisons. The…

Pack the court for Mumia on Jan. 17!

January 13, 2018

In a case that could lead to freedom for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas Judge Leon…

Odioso recorte de impuestos

January 13, 2018

Cuando el Congreso finalmente aprobó la mal llamada Ley de recortes de impuestos y empleos (TCJA por las siglas en…

Eyewitness Durham: Felony charges dropped against freedom fighters!

January 11, 2018

The following is an eyewitness account of the Jan. 11 court hearing for eight activists who tore down a Confederate…

Activists call for ‘Days of Rage against Trump and Capitalism’

January 11, 2018

Despite a brutal year of attacks on the working class, especially on the most oppressed, the spirit of rebellion cannot…

Free Ahed Tamimi!

January 11, 2018

An emergency response rally of over 150 people demanded freedom for the 16-year-old Palestinian woman Ahed Tamimi in New York…